Project Description

We co-create AI-based solutions for societal challenges in four themes: climate, health, mobility and work. We aim to make people who are not particularly interested in technology think about AI through the themes that concern them and co-create relevant solutions. First, we collect ideas from citizens through guided conversation online or at events. Next, we organize sessions for the general public, researchers, AI professionals and civil society oganisations to co-create concrete solutions based on these ideas. At the same time, a project call is launched and for each theme one consortium receives funding to co-develop one of these solutions together with citizens. In the selection procedure, an expert jury judges the quality, while a citizen panel assesses the societal impact and a public voting accounts for the wide community support for the proposal. Finally, citizens are also involved in the funded projects creating an AI-application through a citizen science approach. To realise all this, we use an online platform, social media, offline activities and created material such as an AI-card game and an interactive installation. This year we have an additional focus on activities for children and in schools, through teach-the-teacher sessions and the development of educational material on AI.

Impact Assessment Tools: Measure the impact of this project
Impact Assesment Tools
Current Project Impact

The following scores were calculated using a statistically-driven machine-learning approach, a type of AI that learns to perform a task by analysing patterns in data. This is an experimental approach to citizen-science impact assessment, and the exact reasoning behind the scores is not explainable. The scores represent a best guess of the impact the project is having in each domain. Scores are recalculated and updated when “View impact report” is clicked.

Society 37 Society 37 Governance 30 Governance 30 Economy 22 Economy 22 Environment 37 Environment 37 Science 17 Science 17 max. 42
Total Score 29/42
Domain Progress

Proportion of questions answered in each domain.

  • 100% General (13/13)
  • 100% Economy (31/31)
  • 100% Environment (30/30)
  • 98% Governance (42/43)
  • 92% Science and technology (36/39)
  • 100% Society (67/67)