Project Description

Delft Meet Regen (Delft Measures Rain, DMR) is a citizen science project initiated and executed by WaterLab, a platform of multiple organizations focused on demonstrating, performing, and sharing water research by organizing and facilitating Citizen Science projects in the region of Delft, The Netherlands. During the summer of 2022, DMR collaborated with 105 citizens of Delft in order to measure rain using a provided rain gauge. These measurements have contributed to the research of the Technical University Delft (TU Delft), in which the effects of urban development on rain within the city are explored. The participants’ measurements provided a higher resolution of rain measurement locations, giving a more detailed view of rain distribution. 

Impact Assessment Tools: Measure the impact of this project
Impact Assesment Tools
Current Project Impact

The following scores were calculated using a statistically-driven machine-learning approach, a type of AI that learns to perform a task by analysing patterns in data. This is an experimental approach to citizen-science impact assessment, and the exact reasoning behind the scores is not explainable. The scores represent a best guess of the impact the project is having in each domain. Scores are recalculated and updated when “View impact report” is clicked.

Society 32 Society 32 Governance 29 Governance 29 Economy 12 Economy 12 Environment 40 Environment 40 Science 17 Science 17 max. 42
Total Score 26/42
Domain Progress

Proportion of questions answered in each domain.

  • 100% General (13/13)
  • 97% Economy (30/31)
  • 100% Environment (30/30)
  • 100% Governance (43/43)
  • 100% Science and technology (39/39)
  • 97% Society (65/67)