Project Description

LAKEWATCH is a water quality monitoring program that facilitates "hands-on" participation by community volunteers in the management of Florida lakes, estuaries, rivers and springs through monthly sampling activities. LAKEWATCH is one of the largest community science programs in the country, with over 1800 trained volunteers, 800 monitored ecosystems, and 30 years of water quality data. In 1991, the Florida Legislature recognized the importance of the program and established Florida LAKEWATCH in the state statutes (Florida Statute 1004.49.). 

Impact Assessment Tools: Measure the impact of this project
Impact Assesment Tools
Current Project Impact

The following scores were calculated using a statistically-driven machine-learning approach, a type of AI that learns to perform a task by analysing patterns in data. This is an experimental approach to citizen-science impact assessment, and the exact reasoning behind the scores is not explainable. The scores represent a best guess of the impact the project is having in each domain. Scores are recalculated and updated when “View impact report” is clicked.

Society 26 Society 26 Governance 27 Governance 27 Economy 11 Economy 11 Environment 40 Environment 40 Science 19 Science 19 max. 42
Total Score 25/42
Domain Progress

Proportion of questions answered in each domain.

  • 62% General (8/13)
  • 16% Economy (5/31)
  • 0% Environment (0/30)
  • 0% Governance (0/43)
  • 0% Science and technology (0/39)
  • 0% Society (0/67)