Proyecto STEAM de ciencia ciudadana que ofrece a las y los participantes la oportunidad de contribuir a ampliar el conocimiento existente sobre el litoral vasco, focalizando la atención en la biodiversidad a escala microscópica (meiofauna, microalgas y pláncton) así como en los riesgos que la ponen en peligro (los microplásticos en este caso). Para alcanzar así el objetivo principal: Concienciar de la importancia ambiental de nuestras playas. Financiado por la Fundación Españolapara la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) en la convocatoria 2021 de ayudas para el fomentode la cultura científica, tecnológica y de la innovación y por la Dirección de Difusión Socialde la Investigación de la UPV/EHU.
The following scores were calculated using a statistically-driven machine-learning approach, a type of AI that learns to perform a task by analysing patterns in data. This is an experimental approach to citizen-science impact assessment, and the exact reasoning behind the scores is not explainable. The scores represent a best guess of the impact the project is having in each domain. Scores are recalculated and updated when “View impact report” is clicked.
Proportion of questions answered in each domain.
This is the beginning of a journey (some would say a "trajectory" ) along more than 200 questions. Don't worry; you don't have to answer them all at once. Do something, and come back some other day. You will find a lot of help along the way, and if you're generally happy to start, just click on "Ok, I got it!" below. If you're unsure how to answer a question, again, don't worry, answer it in the way that makes most sense to your project and you can always come back and change it later. If you still have doubts about life, the universe and everything, now or later, head to where to find help for advice and all the clarity you might look for.