Project Description

Rivers are dynamic systems that experience hydrological variability, including flow cessation and drying. Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams are watercourses that periodically cease to flow. This river type is the world’s most widespread and range from ephemeral streams – that occasionally flow after heavy rainfall – to intermittent streams that may dry completely or subside to isolated pools. We designed a new smartphone app called DRYRivERS to monitor intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. By collecting information on drying events, citizens will contribute to the mapping of drying rivers and help to improve scientific predictions of the future impacts of climate change on rivers.


Impact Assessment Tools: Measure the impact of this project
Impact Assesment Tools
Current Project Impact

The following scores were calculated using a statistically-driven machine-learning approach, a type of AI that learns to perform a task by analysing patterns in data. This is an experimental approach to citizen-science impact assessment, and the exact reasoning behind the scores is not explainable. The scores represent a best guess of the impact the project is having in each domain. Scores are recalculated and updated when “View impact report” is clicked.

Society 23 Society 23 Governance 26 Governance 26 Economy 6 Economy 6 Environment 39 Environment 39 Science 12 Science 12 max. 42
Total Score 21/42
Domain Progress

Proportion of questions answered in each domain.

  • 100% General (13/13)
  • 100% Economy (31/31)
  • 100% Environment (30/30)
  • 98% Governance (42/43)
  • 100% Science and technology (39/39)
  • 97% Society (65/67)